Ordained Minister, Psychic, Seer, Shaman Spiritualist, Esoteric Teacher, Medicine Woman/Healer, Death Doula & Strega/ Witch.
Tamare White-Wolf created, the beloved Earth and Sky Connection Shoppes in 1996. Her first shoppe is still in the Heart of Downtown Barrie, now owned by a dear friend Andrea White Owl.
The other shoppe was just up the street where our Medicine Gardens are, and where most of Tamare’s, Psychic Services, Shamanic Healing, Esoteric Workshops, festivals and weddings took place.

Tamare hosted the amazing Paganfest on this land as well lives here operating Earth and Sky Connection, well providing many of the above services.
Both shoppes where similar like family yet uniquely differ. This shoppe had a complete selection of live and dried herbs, smudges bundles, tea blends, tinctures, resins, salves and potions. Also a diverse selection of crystals, books, tarot cards, cauldrons, candles and oils!

Tamare and her son Skylar moved to BC and opened 2 more shoppes one in Nanaimo and another in Victoria See more here!
Her Personal Story
Tamare is part Italian, English, Scottish & Ojibway born during the Leo’s Sun in 12th house, with a Scorpio Moon in 3rd house and Virgo Ascendant. Tamare created Earth and Sky Connection, a metaphysical shoppe which opened in 1997 in Barrie, Ontario. This beautiful shoppe is now owned and operated by a dear friend and former student of hers Andrea White Owl. Expect to continue booking in person sessions for Tamare or her son Skylar in this location as they return twice yearly for a weekend.
Her Family
Tamare has a beautiful mother who now lives with her and 2 loving sisters with full families in Ontario. Tamare has a spirited birth son, the love of her life. This young man, Skylar Pink, has been her right hand from a young age. He has been her biggest teacher, greatest love and source of joy. Many have called Tamare their “Spirit Mama.” There are too many to name here, but Tamare has supported each one over the years. J. Andrew Baker & Colin Crystal who Tamare and Skylar came to love deeply and completely, both became a part of the White-Wolf family, sons, a brothers and a fathers.
Tamare and her family recently moved to Nanaimo / Victoria British Columbia, where in July 2022 opened another beautiful Earth and Sky Connection in Nanaimo and one in Victoria Dec 2023. Tamare is a witchy crafter of sacred altar items and herbal blends which you will see when you visit the shoppe. You can book one of her sessions, take a workshop or purchase her items there or on her Online Shopping Cart.
Her Career
Tamare has worked as a psychic, healer and teacher all her adult life. She is a Qualified Early Childhood Educator. She has provided Cultural Teachings for Elementary Schools, Day Cares, High Schools, Colleges & Universities for more than 30 years. Tamare has many years of training in herbalism under tutelage of reputable native elders and herbalists. Tamare has since included training and teachings of Ordained Ministry and End of Life Counsel (Death Doula)
This comprehensive spirit shoppe is happy to be “Coast to Coast”, a dream Tamare has had since 1978. Tamare and her son Skylar offer Weddings, Psychic Sessions, Healing Sessions, Esoteric Workshops and are presently developing new events as the coming days go on. Keep in touch!
Tamare is actively reviving an ancient belief system called Shamanism by re-educating people on how to become Shamanic Thinkers like herself. She continually shares her experiences with students, the community and the public.
She believes that finally, and happily, these evolving times and open minds reveal the truth, love and goodness of this ancient spiritual path.
In the 1980s, before opening Earth & Sky Connection, Tamare was a leader in the feminist movement for better childcare and education in Toronto.
“In 1989, I began integrating, practicing and sharing what I learned about Shamanic & Pagan traditions, the Medicine Way & the Mystical Lessons of Mary Magdalena Traditions, found in the Journey of the Tarot! I believe my destiny is to share this knowledge whenever called through Teaching, Healing, Art & Music!”
Tamare credits her diverse knowledge base to many, Spirit Guides, Ancestors, Friends, Teachers, Elders, Shamans, Seers, Clan Mothers, Chaplains, Ministers, Wiccans, Herbalists, Gemologists, Counselors, Student Explores, Skylar (her son) and her Mother
Services offered by Tamare
Tamare inter-weaves her teachings from ancient Shamanism, various Pagan witchcraft traditions and traditional western philosophy to provide:
Weddings · Memorials · Baby Blessings · Psychic Readings · Psychic Parties · Esoteric Workshops · Healing Sessions · Herbal Consultation ·House Blessings · Rental Space · Festivals · Retreats
A Herbalist & Cannabis Advocate
She did not find the wellness she needed from modern medicine as a woman who has battled with Fibromyalgia and other health issues throughout her life. So, she began learning about herbal and alternative medicine.
Tamare credits her Herbal Medicine Teachers & Native Elders, Jan Longboat & Susun Weed, for the knowledge they have shared with her. At the beginning of her learning journey, she spent much time at the Northern Lights Retreat and learning from Rosemary Gladstar. This training laid a foundation of solid theory and practice for using herbs to heal herself and her family.
Tamare’s mother fought terminal cancer 28 years ago. She won that battle using both Essiac and Cannabis. Her mother’s experiences and her journey to wellness using Cannabis lead Tamare to advocate for medical cannabis use and the decriminalization of Cannabis in Canada.
Tamare thanks the courageous advocates and activists for cannabis decriminalization. Their love for the herb, and its diverse uses, passionately drove them to come out of the closet, regardless of the dangers during the time of inhibition, leading the way for others less courageous.
She extends a personal thanks to a dear friend, Charlene Freedom, for braving the government while she created and shared some of the best cannabis products in our era.
This Healing Path may include:
· Shamanic Journeying · Spiritual Counseling · Vision Questing · Dream Work · Smudging · Drumming · Eagle Feather Cleansing · Medicine Wheel Teaching · Healing Circles · Past-Life Regression · Reiki · Huna · Therapeutic Touch · Soul/Spirit Retrieval · Chakra Crystal Clearing
Tamare offers spiritual discussion, exploration and workshops for educational purpose to: schools, day cares, colleges and universities and welcomes opportunity “open armed & open minded” to assist others in their search for truth; Lawyers, Counselors, Police, Corporate Heads, Healers, Lovers, Seekers, Adopted and Adoptees alike…. Please join her for a session! She has enjoyed writing in Alternative Health Magazines and memberships in organizations such as the Multi-Faith Council on Spiritual and Religious Care, Childcare Related Groups, Metaphysical and Paranormal Association, Environmental/Animal Protection Groups and Native Organizations etc.
Tamare White-Wolf is also a Qualified E.C.E. providing Cultural Teachings for Elementary School, Day Care, College & University! She loves to share at many public speaking events and circles in her community, educating others on what she has learned about natural and earth based spiritual subjects! Give her a call if you have and idea!