Mystics Mag & Directory

Mystics Mag & Directory with Tamare White-Wolf

Are you a Mystic, Visionary, Spiritualist, Witch or Energy Healer? Do you live and work on Vancouver Island? Do you consider yourself a writer, poet, commentator or opinionated, lol. You might want to join us!

I’m excited to announce a new venture I’ll be working on. Vancouver island needs a mystical magazine of its very own, sharing stories of magical content such as; paranormal; astrological; esoteric and occult in nature. With that I’d like to explore the ancients, past beliefs and future predictions. In this booklet I’ll develop a Mystics Directory for all those offering their services on the island.  If you can write we will ad your advertisement in exchange for your offering.

First we need to gather to discuss, develop & create the content. So I’m calling you in, can you hear the call?

We hope to work in conjunction with other wonderful directory’s such as this online one, Spirit of Victoria Metaphysical Hub

We will be offering this free workshop in order to share the details and over the next few months will offer gatherings at Earth and Sky Connection Victoria BC  

Mondays @5:30 pm pdt free or by donation you choose.

Contact Tamare direct 705-309-7171                 Starts March 31st Register Here

Tarot Card Readings

Tarot Card Readings 

Tamare has studied the ancient art of Traditional Tarot Divination since 1989 after 4 years of daily study with professional guidance from a well known psychic in the USA, she began to offer her service to the collective. Tamare started going to community fairs, pow wows, markets etc in 1994 and by 1997 she finally decided it was time to open her beloved meta-physical shoppe Earth and Sky Connection.

She started teaching the skill of Tarot Card Readings to the public in 1994 and has continued ever since…now only online! 

She teaches in groups and individually and considers herself a Master level Tarot Teacher as she includes the ancient art of both Astrology and the Kabbalah. This course is meant to open you up psychically like no other!