Walking the Medicine Way

Walking the Medicine Way

With Shaman Spiritualist Tamare White-Wolf

Walking the Medicine Way is a method of walking gently on our Mother the Earth, she has teachings that help us to live a good life, a healing life and a life in balanced with all our relations! The four directions have knowing for us to follow and to help our families align with grace and understanding of our connected-ness.

The Medicine Wheel Teachings are ancient Native American and have been passed down for centuries.

I was fortunate enough to receive them from a wonderful & spiritual local elder, long past now, Harvey Anderson,  (Chi-Mee-gwetch) .

I am overjoyed to share them with you in this weekend workshop!

Along with the above teachings we will be discussing in detail the Earth Astrology which is a very personal review of the totem references! 

Walking the Medicine Way ~June 23rd 12-4pm $177- 

Call 778-441-1771 Text 705-309-7171